No Date for New Year's? Not After You Read This

Dr. Laura Berman

Singles, are you ready to make 2007 the year you find love? The holidays are over and it's time to get out there and let Cupid sling one of his arrows your way. Remember, with each new relationship, you learn something valuable for the one you're meant to be with.

Here are some singularly sensational resolutions for finding Mr. or Ms. Right.

This time we'll quote Mr. Bob Marley. Singles...Could you be loved?

For the Singles

  1. Make a connection. Practice being approachable and open by saying hi and smiling at someone every day. It can be the girl who makes your morning latte, a stranger you pass on the street, or the cute guy standing next to you on the bus. Bring happy, friendly karma your way by living your day-to-day life with a smile and sense of possibility. It will spill over into your love life.

  2. Be proactive. Everyone likes to be asked out, even if they're not interested. It's flattering. Take a flirtation or secret crush to the next level by taking action. Ask that man or woman out. Get creative about it if you're too shy to do it in person. Create a unique email. Make it something low-key, like coffee. Throw caution to the wind and think of when you'll be old and gray one day, regretting all of the things you didn't do -- not the ones you did. If the person declines, chalk it up to character!

  3. Celebrate and pamper yourself. Someday soon, that special someone will recognize the treasure that you are. Take care of yourself in the meantime. Give your body some loving attention, with regular massages, exercise, a bath or snuggling in with your favorite movie and take-out. Loving yourself goes a long way towards attracting the love you seek. Others will pick up on it. Be satisfied with your life as it is at this moment.

  4. Hit the bookstore. It's the singles bar of the new millennium. What better way to beat the blues or spend an afternoon alone than browsing books. These days, bookstores have something for everyone from music to magazines. There are endless sources of content in a bookstore, so read up and start a conversation. Or take a walk to the dog park (just get a dog first).

  5. Babysit your friend's kids for the night. You'll boost your love karma by doing something nice for your friends and spending a night with the kids just might restore your appreciation for the single life!

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