Little Ways to Express Love

Lisa Brock

My first grader may not remember that I got up early every morning to pack his lunch, but he will remember that I included a note to let him know how much he’s loved. Sometimes the words are written on a fun note card or a banana peel. Even though the notes don’t say anything new, he keeps them in a secret pocket in his backpack.

So when I’m rushing him out the door to get him to school on time, I know that inside his lunch box there is a better part of me giving him a hug in the middle of his day.

Although we spend most of our time feeding, clothing and caring for our children, they often don’t realize that we do these things because we love them. And because we’re busy trying to be good parents, it’s often difficult to give our children the attention they need to feel special. Sometimes just doing the little things can go a long way:

Set aside a block of time. Nothing pleases a child more than when you stop what you’re doing to play a game with her.

Remember the little things. My 4-year-old sleeps on his tummy with his hand under his pillow. Sometimes I tuck a cool sticker under his pillow. When he wakes up, he walks out with my present clutched in his hand. Even the tiniest gifts bring a smile to his face.

Use special places and names. Some parents have secret passwords with their children or Saturday routines, like breakfast at a donut shop. With my 3-year-old, it’s a nickname. Ever since he was born, I’ve said, “Good morning, sunshine!” Now that he’s out of a crib and no longer needs my help getting up, he comes to me in the kitchen and says, “Good morning, sunshine!”

Tell your child how you feel. Don’t let a day go by when you don’t tell her you love her. While those words may seem obvious, they mean the world to your child.

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